Are You the Only One That Cares?

RE: A backwards motion, an action of the past that we would like to occur again.

For example, regeneration can be creating again or relationship, which we work on connecting again and again. I think a lot of the work we're involved with today is the attempt of bringing back something that once was, applying it to today's context and implementing it.

As many have said before, the world today is unlike any time in history. We have never been more connected through the digital age, giving us a false sense of intimacy. For me, it's becoming more challenging to be authentic, vulnerable, and acquire deep relationships through Instagram, Facebook (if you still use it), LinkedIn... I am constantly redefining myself for my "close friends" to feel known.

In addition to feeling isolated, our generation has this beautiful pressure and passion to save the world and for good reason. Believe it or not there are commonalities between us all; supporting body positivity (<3 Lizzo), self care, reducing waste, ending exploitation of the economic south, hating Donald Trump, and everything that goes along with it... yet we ask, "why am I the only one that cares?"



Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development


It's simple.

There is a way to join our individual voices and make serious change in the world. We can support one another beyond "liking" a post. We can build a coalition.

Coalition building is an art. More than anything else, it requires individuals and groups to be willing to rise above their feelings of separateness and to actively collaborate… (ORUA)

Social media can be the most effective platform to ask for help, push for a cause, and connect with like-minded folx. But many of times, we stumble over our words, delete the post that felt "too real" and fear fear fear rejection. We're not going to agree 100% and I am not suggesting to, but what if what you wrote was really heard and celebrated? Are you willing to share? Are you willing to take extra steps to support others in their work, even if there are small differences from what you believe?

Here are some steps we can take to build our coalition:

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  • Build on your current relationships; ask deeper questions to understand their cause

  • Co-create; offer a skill that you have or a listening ear for them to bounce ideas off of, even offer to give/take feedback

  • Kindness; everyone needs support in skills, personal growth, mental health, peer exchange and it is important to be kind to one another through it all

I need your help to build this coalition, please answer one of the three questions:

  1. What motivates you to join a movement, or show up to an event?

  2. Do you feel that following someone's page and liking photos is enough? What stops you from taking action?

  3. What are ways I can encourage more people to learn about the issues that I'm fighting for?

Share your thoughts with me in a message: Instagram | LinkedIn

Mia Sheperd

Hey, I’m Mia! I’m an environmental and natural building architectural engineer. I founded Journey & Empower to provide resources for people on all things related to natural building, affordable housing, and living in sustainable community.

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