How I Built Earthen Floors
Earthen floors are an affordable and locally available way to removed dirt floors in the rural communities in Rwanda.
Sold at $2/sqm at EarthEnable in Rwanda, the floors have improved the health of over 1,000 families.
How to build an earthen floor:
Compact a stable foundation, a mix of 50% aggregate, 25% sand, 15% soil, 10% fines
Mix finer sand with water and bring it to a concrete-like consistency
Spread the sand across the compacted base, wait 1 week to dry
Once the floor is dry (and all cracks are fixed), varnish with linseed oil, beeswax, or epoxy
Wait 3 - 5 days to dry
See the maintenance and repair instructions for customers to know how to keep their floors beautiful and long-lasting.