How I Built Earthen Floors

Earthen floors are an affordable and locally available way to removed dirt floors in the rural communities in Rwanda.

Sold at $2/sqm at EarthEnable in Rwanda, the floors have improved the health of over 1,000 families.


How to build an earthen floor:

  1. Compact a stable foundation, a mix of 50% aggregate, 25% sand, 15% soil, 10% fines

  2. Mix finer sand with water and bring it to a concrete-like consistency

  3. Spread the sand across the compacted base, wait 1 week to dry

  4. Once the floor is dry (and all cracks are fixed), varnish with linseed oil, beeswax, or epoxy

  5. Wait 3 - 5 days to dry

  6. Enjoy!


Benefits to having an earthen floor:

  1. Helps keep your house warm in the winter, cool in the summer

  2. Handcrafted flooring

  3. Improves your physical and mental health


See the maintenance and repair instructions for customers to know how to keep their floors beautiful and long-lasting.

Check out our Google Drive for more information of how to build Earthen Floors.

Mia Sheperd

Hey, I’m Mia! I’m an environmental and natural building architectural engineer. I founded Journey & Empower to provide resources for people on all things related to natural building, affordable housing, and living in sustainable community.

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