
Hi, friend! My name’s Mia.

From studying engineering at university, working in lighting design in Portland, Oregon, then moving to Rwanda, I have had the opportunity to work on a range of sustainability and development work across the globe. I am familiar with sustainable design framed by LEED, Passive House, Net Zero, and Living Building Challenge certifications as well as building with earthen materials. With any project, I believe engaging with the community and recognizing the history of the land, including its origins, are key elements to bringing any project success.

Degrees, awards, and certifications.

B. Sci. Architectural Engineering, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, 2016

Winner of The California Association of Building Consultants’ Residential Energy Modeling Competition, 2016

Companies we work with

Please remember to do what we can for the planet and each other.

Here is the link to my to original blog.