Tiny Shelters

Housing is a human right. Yet every year, hundreds of our neighbors across Toronto are forced to sleep on the streets.


Winter is approaching & the second wave of COVID-19 upon us, we are facing a homelessness crisis.

If the government won't act, then it's up to us.


Tiny Shelters can keep one person warm in -16C weather and are built on caster wheels for ease of transport. 


Foam domes are cheap and fast solutions to keep people from freezing in their tents this winter, with a Carbon Monoxide detector and vents to keep folx safe.


how can you help?

  1. Support Encampment Support Network (ESN) to provide food water and build foam domes for houseless folx

  2. Build tiny shelters with Khaleel Seivwright if you’re an experienced builder


Previous tiny shelter projects:

This has been done before in the city of Portland through the Partners On Dwelling community along with local architects and engineers that wanted to be a part of building a new and safe Women's Village.

Mia Sheperd

Hey, I’m Mia! I’m an environmental and natural building architectural engineer. I founded Journey & Empower to provide resources for people on all things related to natural building, affordable housing, and living in sustainable community.

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